           |                              |       
       Charles I.              Elizabeth (married the King of Bohemia. Queen
           |                   Victoria is directly descended from her.)
    |               |                                           |
Charles II      James II.               Henrietta (married the Duke of Orleans).
    ________________|                                           |
    |                                                           |
James (styled James III. by             Anne (married the King of Sardinia).
    |  the Jacobities ; the                                     |
    |  Old Pretender by                                         |
    |  the Hanoverians).                Charles Emmanuel III., King of Sardinia.
    |                                                           |
    |_____________________                                      |
    |                    |              Victor Amadeus III., King of Sardinia.
Charles                Henry                         ___________|______________
(styled Charles III.   (Cardinal York;               |                        |
by the Jacobites;      styled Henry IX.     Charles Emmanuel IV.    Victor Emmanuel I.
"the Young Pre-        by the Jacobites).   (King of Sardinia,      (King of Sardinia,
tender" by the                              styled by the Jaco-     styled Victor I. by
Hanoverians).                               bites Charles IV.       the Jacobites).
                   Mary Beatrice (married the Duke of Modena; styled
                          |          Mary III. by the Jacobites).
     |                             |
Francis, Duke of Modena        Ferdinand
(styled Francis I. by the          |
Jacobites).                        |
                               Mary (married Prince Ludwig of Bavaria;
                               the present Jacobite Queen Mary IV.)